Make it super easy for your clients to understand what you’re about and realise they really need you.

 A flagship piece of content that boosts your online presence, educates potential clients and drums up new leads.

Have you ever tried to explain what your business or organisation is about in 60 seconds or less? It’s no easy feat, especially when you’re also trying to squeeze in what makes you special, successful, reliable, exceptional, award-winning etc.

A promotional video is the perfect way to introduce a potential client or service-user to you, your brand, and your key messages – whatever your sector.

Video gets viewers immediately orientated with what you’re about and allows you to show off your best side without boring the viewer with facts and stats.

Browsers consistently engage with video more than text, especially when videos are professionally produced with high-res footage, snappy editing, and great quality graphics.

It’s also about building trust; with a promotional video, you’re basically telling your clients: “We care about how we come across and we want to elevate your experience with our brand.”

What does the promotional video service include?

In order to create an incredible final cut for your promotional video, the VideoHQ service may include:

  • Interviews with staff, volunteers, or happy customers (all shot and used with express permission)
  • General shots of your premises, service or your team at work
  • Statistics or facts that promote your business (e.g. A recent, relevant award)
  • Graphics, including your brand logo
  • Testimonials from happy clients or service-users captured on the day.

This is by no means an exhaustive list. The VideoHQ promotional video service is a creative and collaborative experience, and we’re always responsive to your ideas and project priorities.

Let’s talk about creating your fundraising video.

The Stockpile Package: your flexible, long-term video marketing strategy

If you’re considering a promotional video, but know there’s other content you’d like to be produced later down the line, then check out our Stockpile Package. From a in-depth filming day at your business, we produce a brilliant promotional video for you to use immediately, and store your extra footage for tomorrow’s content.

Don’t just take it from us

Hannah is a true professional and also extremely warm and approachable.

She is adept at putting everyone at ease and getting the very best footage.

We have been thrilled with the videos she has produced for us and they captured all the key messages we wanted to share with our viewers.

We have used a variety of videographers in the past and now would not go anywhere else and highly recommend Hannah.

Cavelle Priestley-Bird, Alliance of Leading Learning

Book a free 30 minute video strategy session

Wondering if a promotional video is the best way forward for your business? During the video strategy session we can explore which video types will best suit your business and current marketing.

Promotional video examples

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